2011년 5월 31일 화요일

Recall! new project.

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Sometimes, I wish life was like a VCR, so I could rewind & replay good memories.
and I'm inspired by many movies like "BrainStorm1983", "Deja Vu","butterfly effect","Source Code".
Then I have tried to combine Memory(abstract concept) and VCR(specific concept) in game design.

The Player can record a space-time which is player's sight.
Then the player can rewind and fast forward space-time to solve the puzzles.
The game's narrative is about journey to find out his lost memories.

Move: W,A,S,D
Look: Mouse
Jump: Space
Record Space-Time: Left Mouse Button
Rewind: Q 
or Mouse Wheel Down
Fast Forward: E 
or Mouse Wheel Up
Restart: R
Pause and Quit: ESC

It's now working in progress project. It will be released 2014.

If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to

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